Whether you’re considering getting a VI Peel or are just curious about the process, take a look to learn how it all works, what to expect before, during, and after the process, how much you can expect to spend, and more! Keep reading, and consult your doctor to see if a VI Peel might be a good fit for you!
Over the last two years, I have begun exploring more skincare and treatments. As I say in a joking, but totally serious way, I am now of an age where this kind of stuff matters! Most recently, I did a VI Precision Plus Peel. As their website states: Peel Precision Plus combats pigmentation with our Lighten Booster and fast-acting Brightening Booster. This powerhouse formula effectively suppresses melanogenesis and promotes rapid cell turnover for improved skin tone. To go a bit further, they also explain for whom the treatment is best suited, what it entails, and how it can be beneficial. Take a look below for more details!
For Skin Concerns
- UV Induced Pigmentation
- Sun Damage
- Melasma
- Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
 Product Benefits
- Exfoliates and helps diminish pigmentation and textural damage to restore skin to its natural health
- Effectively penetrates damaged areas
- Promotes rapid cell turnover
Product Features
- Safe for all skin types
- Medium-depth peel
- Results within 7 days
- Safe to use for all Fitzpatrick types I-VI
While I’m not exactly a skin expert nor am I a certified esthetician in any way, shape, or form, I can say I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my skin. I will admit that the flaking and peeling that come along with the process of a VI Peel aren’t the most fun experience ever, I have noticed considerably smoother skin, less redness and irritation, and overall, a healthier glow. I even received a few compliments from my nail technician, wanting to know why my skin looked so healthy. Score! It’s day 11 here, and there is still some peeling near my hairline, However, at this point, it is super minimal, and I have returned to my usual skincare routine without any extra irritation or redness. While I can go on about my personal experience and side effects, I won’t bore you with the details. Instead, I’ll move on to what most people ask me about when it comes to a VI Peel, and that’s what is the process?
The VI Peel Process from Start to Finish:
In total, the whole process took about 25 minutes, and I did not experience any pain. Woohoo! The sensation was more a light tingle, similar to the start of feeling like you’ve been in the sun a few minutes too long. To begin, my practitioner cleaned and disinfected my face and neck. Then, the VI Peel solution was applied to my face using what looked like a small wipe. She repeated this step three times. Next, my practitioner walked me through the products I would need to use and the steps I would take over the course of the next 7 days.
I left the solution applied by my practitioner on for 4 hours. After this time period, I washed it off, using their gentle cleanser, and followed this step by applying their repair cream. This was just day 1, but the following week would look similar with me washing my face and applying the specialized VI Peel cleanser and repair cream. However, one of the wonderful things about this peel is that the company that invented it created an app that walks you through the entire 7-day process, with reminders, alerts, and photos of the step-by-step process. Easy-peasy.
The Side Effects
While initially red and slightly irritated, my skin did not begin to peel until day three. Once it the peeling process started, it continued pretty actively until day 5. In all honesty, it wasn’t the most fantastic experience, but in my opinion, the peeling was not unbearable. After day 5 it slowed down, but there was some very light peeling along my hairline until about day 7. However, after 7 days, I easily retired to my normal skincare routine and products.
The End Results
Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the end results! After it was all said and done, I am glad to say that my experience with an VI Peel has resulted in smoother skin, less redness, and some of the fine lines around both my eyes and the sides of my mouth have even been lessened! To say the least, I am very satisfied with my results, and I would recommend the process to anyone who is looking to brighten and smooth their skin. Not to mention, the use of salicylic acid is helpful in killing bacteria and may be able to assist those who undergo a VI Peel in the department of acne management.
VI Peel Cost
A mid-range skin treatment, the average cost of a professionally done VI Peel is between $400-$500, but this price may vary depending on your location and the practitioner whom you see. Of course, as with any procedure, it is best to consult with a medical professional and a trustworthy dermatologist to decide whether or not an VI Peel would be a good fit for your individual skin type and needs. Also of note, this medium-depth chemical peel is one that can be used on all skin types and tones making it an option for nearly everyone!
I hope you find this post helpful and informative! Have you had any skin treatments done? I would love to hear your experience in the comments below! Also, if you want to see a more in-depth look at the process, be sure to head on over to my Instagram to see the whole process! Of course, if you have any additional questions feel free to leave them in the comments, or shoot me a DM. I’m happy to chat!
In the meantime, enjoy!
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